Monday, April 7, 2008

The knell of destruction

My poetry is nearly always full of graphic imagery,its quite amateurish but makes a good reading I guess.......

The Knell of Destruction.

Dig up the ancient graves,
Summon the necrophiles up again,
The dark lord's slaves,
The dark shadow is casting over.......

The doomsday comes nearer,
Armies join to destroy,
Slaying the Holy flag bearer,
breaking the ancient ploy.

Thunderous cannon balls,
The slashing swords,
The crack of Doom calls,
Upon the slaughtered Gods.

Multitudes of winged horses,
and the decorated elephants,
March over and crush the corpses,
of the ancient millitants.

Dented armor splattered in gore,
The Broken blade never homeword comes,
after killing enemies four score,
lays abandoned on the bloody stones.

Blood flows in the ancient river,
And so do the slain warriors flow,
to Hell ,where they shiver,
from the Devil's defiant glow,,,,,

No new life comes to bloom,
On the burning ground,
saved from the viscious cycle of Doom,
Whose wails the mountains resound,,,,,

The ancient Man in the sky,
Stares down from his Heavenly throne,
He has forgotten to cry,
The joy has long gone...........



Krittika said...

Hey, that is really neat...nice work.

mandark_maniac said...

thnx.....will post a few more....this is the cleanest n the least goth....