Wednesday, April 2, 2008

...Me and my good friends.....

Singhania school for me has been something.......special.........Well people may say that it happens to eveyone and at this juncture such nostalgia is but natural............but who cares about them(i.e fuck those fuckers) .....this is my life and let me live this moment however painful it may seem...........
From being a little eight year becoming one of the best phases in one's life...........Football,rock music,Girls, what most people devote most of their time to..........but at the same time one forms the basis of one's professional carrer(i.e fuck academics)...........
now coming to the point........(stop fucking generalizing)........singhania school is where I learnt the hard way ...that nothing in life comes easy.....although nothing worthwhile has happened in my life...........standing just 5 ft 4 in tall(+2 in with the reeboks)l....and made of mirror cracking material .....Girls were never interested in me....(i.e fuck low self esteem)......but nevermind,,,,,,,,life still goes i found some of my best friends ...........People like me.......Maniacs....(exception-Ramu)................................................felt like writing something.......about this bunch of idiots(no pun intended,because there is no pun).........................................

The order does not signify my level of liking them or anything....its just random.....(i.e fuck human tendency).........................

1.Hitesh tripathi(the bespectacled boy....the thin and lean one)-
Likes-Rock music,flirting,pretending to be studying,wannabe bejan daruwallah,wannabe
metalhead,talking about past link ups,sexuality,moons of jupiter(seriously),angelina jolie,
Dislikes-pissing people off,physics,nikhil lalla,homophobes,pop music people,hip hop,sex
education like pep talks frm teachers,etc

2.Ramchandra Upadhya(the spanish sleeper......)
Likes-Sachin Tendulkar,cricket,ambigrams,laughing at fucked up people,irritating people with his nonchalance,soft songs,
Dislikes-Ppl who don't like Tendulkar,Football,metal music,open perverted behaviour,unsolved puzzles,Biology,org chem

3.Rohit saha......(the easily noticable huge person)
Likes-orkut,situational comedy,metal,black,maiden,acting the good boy in front of unknown people,Football,Manchester united fanatic
dislikes-perverts,Fake people,pop and hip hop people,amalan,kali teacher,shanti teacher,Pj's,wannabe punk rockers

That's all from the pic.........more are sure to come in....................stay tuned for me and my good friends-II...................where i will talk about the terrific trio.....................

1 comment:

Unknown said...

too abusive mate [:D]